Parent's Resources
Recommended books with parenting advice to help support your children with feelings of anxiety or worry.
The Whole-Brain Child.
Tina Payne Bryson & Daniel J. Siegel
Written by neuropsychiatrist, Daniel J. Siegel and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson. The book explains the science behind brain development including how children's brains are wired and how they mature. The book presents 12 strategies that foster healthy brain development in children, as well as a range of coping mechanisms for day to day issues that parents and children may experience. Whilst this is a book primarily for parents and caregivers, it also features kid-friendly illustrations, easy to understand descriptions along with some humour, making it a great resource for the whole family.
The Parenting Revolution: The Guide to Raising Resilient Kids.
Justin Coulson
Co-host of the popular Australian show, Parental Guidance, Justin Coulson brings a range of practical parenting strategies, including for children with non-typical development. Justin draws upon up-to-date research cited throughout the book and includes references to his own family experiences (as the father of 6 children). A lengthy read but with plenty to offer for a wide range of circumstances.
The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding & Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children.
Ross W Greene
This book offers a research-based approach to understanding children who present with temper and frustration. Written by Ross Greene (clinician psychologist), this book offers parenting approaches and instead focuses on understanding the underlying reasons a child's behaviour occurs. He offers compassionate concepts and practical strategies to support parents in teaching their children skills they may be missing.
Teaching Kids to Manage Anxiety: Superstar Practical Strategies.
Deb Hopper
A comprehensive and practical book which draws on her years of clinical experience as an Occupational Therapist, Deb Hopper describes ways to teach children to communicate and manage their stress and anxiety. This book clearly identifies many causes of stress and anxiety and outlines different techniques and strategies to help kids lead more regulated lives.
Parenting Anxious Kids.
Regine Galanti
Regine Galanti is a clinical psychologist and best selling author, most well-known for her expertise in anxiety in children and teenagers. This book includes a guide to childhood anxiety based on developmental stages utilising cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques, research-based advice and actionable steps for parents to use. She brings ideas which include modelling a positive approach to anxiety and an emphasis on early intervention.
Anxious Kids: How Children Can Turn Their Anxiety into Resilience.
Michael Grose & Jodi Richardson
An easy read, the first section of this book focuses on identifying anxiety in children and the associated biology and physical symptoms using plain language. The book goes on to teach various coping strategies and why they work, includes Australian references and support links and also has handy conversation scripts.